(Users with stand-alone installations can follow steps 2 - 7)
- Folder structure : ALL client-server installations should use mapped drives. ALL work stations should have the same drive letter mapped to the installation folder on the server. To check where the existing installation resides, right-click on the JP Expert shortcut and click on 'Properties'. The "Target" line will start with the drive letter of the mapped drive (example : "X:\CompIndex\jpe32.exe"). Ensure that the new server has exactly the same folder structure as the 'old' one and that the folder is shared to the relavent users. The workstations should have the drive re-mapped to the new server (as the original drive letter).
- Copy the system : The complete existing folder content can be copied to the new server. Create a folder on the server's C-drive called "PRIVATE".
- Install the Adobe Acrobat runtime on the server : This installation is supplied on your installation cd but can also be downloaded from Adobe.
- ODBC Connection (MS Access Database users) : Go to 'Control panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC)'. Click on the 'System DSN' tab. PibSpEEx users highlight 'Psi_PibSpEEx_Access'. CompIndex users highlight 'PSI_CI'. Click 'Configure'. Select the correct drive letter of the installed\copied system. Select the 'Data' folder. Select the '.mdb' file in the left window and click OK.
- ODBC Connection (MS SQL) : Ensure that the Database Administrators has created a user on the database with 'administrative' rights. Go to 'Control panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC)'. Click on the 'System DSN' tab. Highlight the PibSpEEx \ CompIndex connection and click 'Configure'. If you have administrative rights you should be able to select the server. On the next screen ensure that you select NT Authentication and that you are able to advance to the next screen. Select the PibSpEEx \ CompIndex and on the next screen test the connection. Ensure that the test is successful.
- Dongle users : Client-server setups should have a red dongle. Install the HASP driver supplied on the cd located in \\Components\HASPDRV\NetHasp\Imsetup.exe and reboot the server after installation. Stand-alone users should have a white dongle. Install the HASP driver sopplied on the cd located in \\Components\HASPDRV\hdd32.exe and reboot the pc after installation.
- Internet verification users : Follow the Internet Verification method described in the section below.
- Still unsure : If you are unsure, please contact PSI Systems support !
Our dongle stopped working; is it possible for us to switch over to your internet-verification instead?
Thanks for the comment ! I'll reply to this query as a blog entry.
Dongles don't just "stop working". However old dongles (the parallel port type) may not work on new WIN2000 or XP computers. In these cases it may be a good idea to change over to Internet verification.
Repeatedly, we get support calls when people move the system to new computers or between servers, that are the result of them forgetting to configure/re-configure the ODBC connection.
NOTE: the PEEX.INI file contains the name of the ODBC connection that needs to resolve (on the computer on which you are working) to a ODBC data source - either on the same computer or on a server.
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